Taiwan is abundant with hardware and software resources, fostering a robust R&D environment and high-quality technical human capital. Therefore, Taiwan has accumulated a certain level of technical capacity in the rising green industry, which is able to produce green materials and its derivative products with stable quality and high added value. The green industry is an emerging industry sector defined with a broader range, where some small and medium companies in the industry have rather limited marketing capacity. In order to increase the overseas exposure of Taiwanese companies thus successfully expand their sales in foreign markets and in line with the government’s “5+2” Industry Innovation Plan, the website from 2021 starts to build a theme-based map for the green industry after reviewing Taiwan’s advantageous green technologies.
Since 2021, industry map of “PV”, “Energy Storage”, “Electric Vehicles”, “Wind Power”, “Water Treatment”, “Green Building Materials”, “Smart Green Building”, “Hydrogen” and “Micro-Grid” had been published. Expanding the new sectors, maps of “LED Lighting”,“Biomass Energy”, etc., will be published in 2023. Through deconstructing the compositions of each sector’s supply chain, the map is illustrated by the means of collecting and analyzing secondary data. This map could help foreign clients to understand the roles of Taiwan’s green industry companies and their main product offerings. On the other hand, Taiwanese companies could search for suitable partners to form a national team in order to provide “Total Solutions” collaboratively and jointly seek for potential overseas business opportunities, by understanding the positioning and importance of each supplier with the deconstruction of the industry supply chains. It is expected that this map could help Taiwan's green industry sector enhance marketing capacities, increase the international exposure of high-quality green products, and enable Taiwanese companies to successfully participate in the international markets and establish relevant sales channels.
This industry map will be displayed in both Chinese and English versions, and the manufacturers' information will be updated on a rolling basis so that domestic and foreign buyers could find the desired manufacturers and relevant corresponding contacts. If your company’s products are able to fulfill the relevant criteria for inclusion, please get in touch with Mr. Chen, contact details as below. If approved, the company information will be added.
Contact Window:
Mr. Chen
Industrial Technology Research Institute
Tel: 886-2-2737-7093
E-mail: jerrychen3001@itri.org.tw